1. Documents on the Tech App
Documents uploaded to the main system will now be viewable in the tech app.
2. Clear Invoices from Quickbooks Export Queue
If there are invoices that should not be exported to Quickbooks, they can now be removed from the queue. There will be a button next to the original export button that will read “Mark as exported”, meaning that all selected invoices will not show up in the queue when the “Show only unexported” filter is on.
3. Export Invoices Twice
This update will allow users to export an invoice more than once, in case the file has been removed from a Quickbooks account. This is done by searching invoices while turning off the “Already Exported” filter. Then, exporting is done the same way as usual.
4. Add Logo to Insulation Certificates
Company logos have now been added to the top of insulation certificates. These will display on all new insulation certificates generated.
5. Add Datasheet Name and Number to Emails
The name and number of datasheets will now be included on PDF’s generated for the datasheets, and on emails sent to salespeople for datasheets.
6. Scheduler Updates
Users will now have the ability to print work orders from the week view, by right-clicking on a job on the scheduler.