Any professional in any industry will tell you that the key to success is the communication of information. Your business needs a way for your employees in the field to effectively communicate with your employees in the office. A way for the guys in the field to quickly and accurately clock-in/clock-out of a job, note the actual amount of material installed, send recommendations back to the office that could result in additional revenue from your customer, upload documents and pictures, and have a place to add any extra expenses they might have incurred while in the field.
Is Your Password Protecting Your Information?
For most of us, passwords are just one more thing to keep up with during the day. Some web browsers, like Google Chrome, will offer to save your password for a site to make it easier to access your bank account, email, or even your job management software. To make it easier, most of us the same password (or similar variations) for almost everything, but should we? Below are some helpful hints for making your password stronger and thereby further protecting your information.
Insulation Market Set To Equal $10.4 Billion
2017 ICAA Convention & Trade Show Did Not Disappoint
For around 72 hours, the Hyatt Regency in Dallas, Texas played host to the ICAA (Insulation Contractors Association of America) Convention & Trade Show. The convention is held annually with the goal of equipping members with contacts and information to better prepare them for the year ahead. The 2017 version did not disappoint.
Breast Cancer Awareness - What Would You Do To Save A Life?
Web-Based Application = Business Profitability
Most successful business owners are not tech experts; instead they are experts in their own industries. The butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker know next to nothing about the newest technology, but they all know they need software to help them run an organized, profitable business. The old adage, "Work smarter, not harder" is exactly the foundation that web-based applications were built on.