Breast Cancer Awareness.
It’s a phrase that is used so often that most of us have become immune. We hear it. We care. And then we move on with our day.
“I’ll catch them next time,” we’ll say.
“I don’t have time right now, but remind me later.”
We mean well, but words are just words until action is taken and at JobPro Technology, we are ready to take that action.
For the entire month of October, JobPro will have our user login page colored pink with breast cancer awareness ribbons along with a button to take our users to our donation page. Our donation page is in conjunction with the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Users and JobPro Technology employees are encouraged to take the month of October to donate to a cause that affects one in eight women…we repeat, one in eight…that’s close to thirteen percent of the female population.
And though it affects far fewer men, around 2,200 will also be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017.
The technology industry is predominantly male, but we all have women in our lives that we love and care about from mothers to grandmothers, wives to girlfriends, sisters to cousins, and friend to friend. As men, we want to be their protection and show them support in all that they do.
Our challenge to you is to not only be that support and protection, but help in a financial way, as well. Let’s be a part of the change that will help eradicate this awful disease. Let’s be ones that say enough is enough, we need a permanent cure. Let’s be more than just men of words, let’s be men of action.
Donate today to show your support for women everywhere.